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Klaviyo Shopify integration

Why Klaviyo is the best email tool for Shopify

Klaviyo was specifically built for ecommerce brands, providing a seamless integration which, in our experience, provides a simple and cost-effective way of driving sales through email and SMS marketing, retaining customers and growing lifetime value. So, what’s so great about Klaviyo?

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Tickle their inbox
Email Marketing Insight

Tickle their inbox

‘The Happiness Report’ 2022 found that 90% of people are more likely to remember ads that are funny and 72% would choose a brand they found humorous over their competitors.

But why does humour work and what should you be aware of?

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Spring clean your email marketing
Email Marketing Insight

Spring clean your email marketing

When the days grow longer and spring starts poking its sunny little head around the corner, thoughts often turn to decluttering and spring cleaning. But it’s not just our homes and gardens that need a refresh – now is the perfect time to review and revitalise your email marketing strategy to improve deliverability, engagement and drive more ROI.

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Klaviyo Scorecard
Mapp Scroecard
Bloomreach Scorecard
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